*Kristens iBlog

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

iPumped Up For American Idol

Any American Idol fans out there??

HEY!! Are you ready for American Idol tonight?? I am. I haven't missed one show yet and if I was going to, I would definately watch the replay on the website A.S.A.P! Anyways, I would like to know who your favorite judge is. Mines Simon Cowell. I mean, sure he's annoying and rude to contestants but atleast he's honest and knows what he's doing. He's funny too, with his little childish fights with Paula Abdul. Haha.

Okay, so, without a doubt, Adam Lambert MUST make it through this week. I mean, come on, he's absolutely amazing at singing. I love his style, his black nailpolish, and wicked hair colors.

This guy is a natural. He's unique, and that's what I like about him. Two weeks ago when he sang "Ring of Fire", I thought that was AWESOME. The judges didn't seem to like it but I for one did. The judges are always saying that we need "Unique songs and voices" for this competition and that is exactly what Adam is trying to do!

They don't realize that he's unique and talented and its right in front of their faces! Tonight on American Idol, I hope Adam steps up to the plate and does his absolute best to impress the judges. GOOO ADAM LAMBERT !!!

Adam Lambert Pic

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dream Blog

Ever wondered how you could have a dream every night??

It has taken me some time to realize that I can have dreams everynight. After many dreamless nights, I have finally figured out how to have exciting and lucid dreams every night for my enjoyment. For those of you out there that have an iPod, Radio, or CD player.....you can start having dreams tonight!

It started out in February for me. I decided that I wanted to sleep with my iPod on during the night. So I put my iPod playlist on repeat, put my earphones in, and dozed off into an unbelievable dream for the night. The dream I had wasn't created from the songs on my iPod I was listening to as I was sleeping, it had absolutely nothing to do with my music. Mostly, (for me) it was about things at school or stuff I've watched on TV.

Here's a sample of the dream I had:

I was in a world full of glowing objects like glowsticks, letters, and neon lights. The colors were mostly an electric blue, ultra-violet purple, and very bright orange.

It was awesome. I was at school, and I was glowing, too, and for some reason I still had to do 20 minutes of journal writing (for my Language Arts class).

Somehow, what I wrote about in my journal turned into a mask pillow that was glowing. The mask was an alien, and I put it on my head and walked out of the Language Arts room and went to the bathroom.

The bathroom was completely different, it looked like it was a room for little kids. The bathroom stalls were red and the walls were dark blye. The red stalls had a melted crayon wax design on them. They also had little plastic windows so you could look inside.

I went in one of the stalls and it had no door, so I looked out of my stall and saw a door for another stall and grabbed that one, extended the door, and held it over my stall. All of a sudden, this little girl comes walking in and looked in the little plastic window on my door and she said: "Oh! Look! Someone's in there." It was really strange.

Afterwards, this little boy came in and him and the girl started talking to each other, so I left. I started walking down another hallway and went into a Nutrition and Foods classroom. It looked completely different from what it usually looks like.

It was transformed into a theatre room...with red curtains. But everything was glowing! And the last thing I remember was wearing that alien mask.

Okay so by now you should know how weird my dreams can get, right? Wrong. I have many others written down. One's that are way crazier than this one. Those are going to be posted up next. But for tonight, I want you to leave your radio or iPod on while your sleeping. You never know what dreams your mind has in store for you. ;)

Please don't hesitate to post your comments about my blog. Thanks!