*Kristens iBlog

Wednesday, May 20, 2009



Tuesday, May 19, 2009

iT's Time To Announce The Winner Of American Idol! Who Will Win The Finale?!


It's up to America to decide. I voted over 11 times for Adam Lambert.

I thought that his second performance chosen by Simon Fuller (the creator of American Idol) was his best performance today. Check it out, here's a full length Adam Lambert video of it below:

I love Adam so much. I grown on him since day one. Ever since his audition song of "Bohemian Rhapsody", I knew he was going to make it far. As of a few days ago, I was watching Adam Lambert's audition video and he said that he had actually been to one of Paula Abdul's concerts when he was 10 years old. That's insane.


When Ryan Seacrest announced that Adam will be singing either his favorite or best performance on American Idol, I said to myself, it HAS to be Mad World. He MUST sing it. And what was I to know...he DID sing it! I was sooooo glad he sang it! It was a full version of the song this time and even better than the first time he sang it. Although the first time Adam sang it Simon gave him a "Standing Ovation", but his performance of it again this week I guess Simon didn't it find it as good as last time. :(

It's only because he was so nervous! Jeez, Simon, give Adam a break! He's worked his screaming voice off to make it this far, and one of the last comments of the season you give him was negative?? Do you want him to win or not?

Adam, I love you with all my heart and believe you WILL win the finale. I hope that when Ryan Seacrest gets up on stage at the very last minute of the show, he will slowly blurt out a vowel that starts with an "A". And everyone will scream their hearts out over you, throwing you flowers and then the confetti will drop down on you. I can just imagine it now. I hope you are too, Adam. I wish you luck in the Finale and faith with the results from America!

For those of you who might want to check out the full version of Adam singing "Mad World" from Tuesday this week it's right here:

Adam Lambert. I have one more thing to say. You know you deserve to win American Idol this week no matter what anyone else says. Even IF Kris is announced the winner, in my HEART and everyone else's.....you are the winner. I will see you on tour. Love you Adam. I wish you the best of luck!


Monday, May 18, 2009

iSummarize Adam's Performance From Two Weeks Ago

Adam ROCKS the crowd with his solo song "A Whole Lot Of Love"!

Oh my gosh! Adam's solo song....Led Zeppelin?! It's about time! Dang Adam, that was probabley the BEST performance on this planet!!

The way you paused in the middle of the song to make people think that you were done. That fit in sooooooo perfectly! I absolutely have no idea what to say anymore!

-I'm speachless
-Head over heels

And completely insane for Adam Lambert!!

I WANT MORE! Oh my gosh.
Amazing. I'm definately getting tickets for the tour this summer! YES! See you there Adam!

Here's a mini video of Adam's Solo Performance!!

I loved his hair that day! I have always seemed to love his punk rock look.


Let's take a walk down memory lane.....

Two weeks ago, that Adam and Allison's Duet...OH EM GEE (OMG!)

It's like the song was just waiting to be sung by two completely great singers on American Idol!!

Adam and Allison, by far, are the best paired up singers on the show this year! I'm so upset that Allison got voted off though. :(

Here's the intensely good video of Adam and Allison:

And incase you were wondering what song they sang, it was the song "Slow Ride" by Foghat. It was one of the most outstanding performances I have seen from them!!

And as for Kris, you need to step it up way more, even if you DID do one of your best performance last week. It's definately not going to top off Adam. So good luck in the finale on wednesday!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

iAdam Lambert and Kris Allen Are In The Finale

Adam Lambert and Kris Allen are in the Finale!!!!!!

Here is a video of Adam Lambert in his home town with his fans:

The new Ford music video will be up tomorrow on my blog!!


Adam Lambert in the Finale!!

Adam Lambert will BE in the finale, end of story.

Adam Lambert is so amazing that I don't even know what to say anymore. And the depressing thing is, there's only ONE more week left of American Idol. Even if he does win American Idol next week, I'll still miss him performing on the idol stage. I know I'll just have to see him in concert though anyway lol.

Adam is my idol.

There are always phenomenal performances from him. I love him so much. Adam you don't even have to believe your going to win, because you WILL win American Idol. You have the best voice ever than any other person on American Idol I have known.

Here's a mini video of Simon's song choice for Adam, "One" by U2

Did he please Simon? Well, duh! Simon loved him, he said his performance was "Brilliant."

Brilliant. Hasn't Adam always been brilliant?? I've known that since the day he auditioned for American Idol.

Adam is purely gifted and a talented singer. It's time to step it up next week and be aggressive!

"Danny Ding Ding" (Danny Gokey), will he make it to the finale?? What do you think?

Great vocals, he's a REALLY good singer. I have to admit, he has performed something almost as exciting as Adam Lambert. The Aerosmith song he sang last week was pretty scary but atleast he came out on stage and did his very best performance! Vote in the poll. Who will get voted off tomorrow???

Will Danny be in the Finale next week??

Kris Allen.

I am going to buy the "Heartless" by you because I LOVE your version of it!

That was awesome! I absolutely loved it BETTER than Kanye West.

Now that was a really great performance.

I also couldn't believe that Paula picked the song

"Apologize" by One Republic for you. You sounded exactly

like One Republic but it was still sweet.

Do you think Kris Allen will make it to the Finale?? Vote in my poll!!

Also, two new videos of tonight's performances are up tomorrow! Be sure to check back here so you can see the video of Adam's second performance of his song choice he did, "Cryin'" By Aerosmith.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

iReview Who Goes Home This Week

Here is a video of the results this week.....

It was Allison's turn to go home this week.

Aww man. That's so unfair. I'm really dissapointed that Allison Iraheta had to go home this week. She was awesome. Especially when she did that solo with Adam Lambert. They were perfect together.

I thought she was atleast going to make it to the top 3 next week! I guess not. Looks like Kris Allen replaced her spot. He's not even as good as Allison!

Oh well. People come and go. Allison will be back. We'll see her on tour. See you later Allison!

I have a few videos of the group performances from Wednesday and from the Ford music video. Check em' out!!

Hope you enjoyed these mini videos I put on here. I have a new poll up so be sure to vote in it!

As for Adam...I am SUPER excited to find out what song the judges have picked out for him, and also what other song he's doing. Anyways, whatever song the judges choose for him, he'll totally bomb it. Because Adam has pure, raw talent. And nobody can take it away from him.


Paula Abdul's new song "I'm Just Here For The Music" gets performed on stage for the first time!

Did you love it or hate it?? Let me know, all you need to do is leave a comment!

I love Wednesday's. Lol. So....a **reminder to all of you that there are only 2 more weeks left of American Idol, so enjoy it while you can!! And make sure you check back here everyday on the week of the finale, because I'll have a bunch of updates and fun things for you to do here!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

iHad A Whole Lot Of Love For Adam!

Adam ROCKS the crowd with his solo song "A Whole Lot Of Love"!

Oh my gosh! Adam's solo song....Led Zeppelin?! It's about time! Dang Adam, that was probabley the BEST performance on this planet!!

The way you paused in the middle of the song to make people think that you were done. That fit in sooooooo perfectly! I absolutely have no idea what to say anymore!

-I'm speachless
-Head over heels

And completely insane for Adam Lambert!!

I WANT MORE! Oh my gosh.
Amazing. I'm definately getting tickets for the tour this summer! YES! See you there Adam!

Here's a mini video of Adam's Solo Performance!!

I loved his hair this week! I have always seemed to love his punk rock look.


Adam and Allison's Duet...OH EM GEE (OMG!)

It's like the song was just waiting to be sung by two completely great singers on American Idol!!

Adam and Allison, by far, are the best paired up singers on the show this year! That totally blew away Danny Gokey and Kris Allen's Duet!

Here's the intensely good video of Adam and Allison:

And incase you were wondering what song they sang, it was the song "Slow Ride" by Foghat. It was one of the most outstanding performances I have seen from them!!

As for Kris Allen and Danny Gokey, Danny was the best....but your guys' performances are way too satisfactory!

Danny and Kris, you guys need to step it up way more, even if you DID do your best performances this week. It's definately not going to top off Adam and Allison. So good luck!

Friday, May 1, 2009

iHeart Adam Lambert's Voice

Adam Lambert's amazing voice strikes again with the song "Feelin' Good"

What a beautiful performance. Fantastic! Even his entrance was breath taking. I love watching Adam Lambert perform every week!

I waited all day tuesday until I finally got to watch Adam's new performance this week! And once again, it was rediculously good! I LOVED IT!

Adam sang "Feelin' Good" from the Rat Pack. And that....was unbelievable. He hit all the perfect notes!

Instead of blasting a a high last note of the song, he did a very raspy and soft closing. It was priceless. Adam Lambert is purely gifted.

I have one word for you Adam: Insane. (in a good way)

Here is a mini video of Adam Lambert's performance this week!!

Wasn't Adam AWESOME this week???

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Danny Gokey, great song, your really good at those slow jazz songs. Your such a good singer. You remind me of Daughtry. You've got that nice rough voice that everybody loves.

You are probably one of the strongest guys this week and you believe that you do have a chance to win this competition.

Keep it up Danny! You should make it through this week!

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Wonderfull. Good job Matt Giraurd. I love your choice in hats. Haha. When it comes to jazz you are brilliant at it. I can't believe Simon actually disagreed on Randy's comment about you.

So, Randy gives you a little advice and some negatives about your performance and Simon has a completely different opinion.

He says you are "brilliant", so stick to Simon's remarks! It will keep your confidence up for this week.

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Allison had a pretty good performance this week. Absolutely outrageous vocals. I do think that it was a little bit on the safe side though.

I think she should've picked something a little more extreme and exciting just incase she had chance of getting in the bottom three again.

But overall, it was perfect as always, including the notes, but she just needed to pick a more flavorful and up-beat song.

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Simon says Kris's performance was wet and not dry..

Hmm. I have no idea what Simon was trying to say there but it sounds like he is transforming into a Paula Abdul.

The way she struggles to get words out and tell people how they did. It was a quick response from Simon but I'd like to know what Simon was trying to say to Kris Allen about being wet. What do you think he meant?? Let me know. Maybe he meant like, sloppy...or not crisp? I have no idea. I was very confused on that one.
Kris Allen had one of his best performances this week. I think it was the best vocal performance I have seen from him. Wonderful.

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Overall, there were not any contestants that we totally criticized this week.

Which is good, everyone is getting more and more competitive each week. Tomorrow I will post my prediction for who will be going home this week, and it will not be an easy decision. Stay tuned!

iCan't Believe Adam Lambert Was In The Bottom Three This Week!!!

Matt goes home this week, what a waste. But Adam Lambert in the bottom three for the first time??

That's CrAzY talk! Why was Adam Lambert in the bottom three this week?? And for the first time?! HAS THE WORLD GONE INSANE??? VOTE FOR ADAM, PEOPLE! He is now in danger.

What happened?? Did he do something wrong?! I think he sang unbelieve this week, I mean he's not that exciting when it comes to slow songs but atleast he sings them perfectly and with emotion! My mouth completely dropped when Ryan Seacrest pulled Adam over to the group with Matt and Kris on stage.

I thought he was kidding! You could even see the judges' surprised looks on their faces! But then I went, oh he'll definately make it this week, and he did. But why in the world was he in the bottom three???

Heres a few explanations of why I think that happened:

Explanation # 1: Everyone pretty much knows every week Adam is safe, so they didn't bother voting for him because they figured "Oh, I won't bother voting for him this week because everyone else is going to vote for him anyway." So tell me, WHO is that 'everyone', because I bet you 99.9% that that is exactly what everyone else thought!


Explanation # 2: Adam and Kris might have gotton the same amount of votes, therefore, Adam really wasn't meant to be put in the bottom three, but there HAD to be people in the bottom three, so Ryan Seacrest probably put Adam there just to scare everyone.

Comment if the explanation #1 was you! I know for a fact it was me. So if we want Adam Lambert to win we have to be extra carefull and actually vote --no matter how many people are going to vote for him too next week, because every vote counts!

VOTE FOR ADAM so we won't have to see him in the bottom three ever again!!